
Surveillance video shows a 66-year-old man being attacked

He was returning home Thursday evening when he said he was attacked by a group of young people. He had a gun to his face, a scuffle ensued, and before he knew it, the young people kicked him and he fell unconscious.

This is what happened to a 66-year-old man named Bernie in a neighborhood near Patterson Park in Baltimore City. His left eye is swollen, black and blue and he has seven stitches near his eyebrow. Bernie didn't want his last name to be revealed publicly but remembered the horrific attack.

“Actually, I haven’t heard anything. They were very, very quiet. Almost as if they had sneaked up on me. But I could feel her presence. They didn’t say anything, but when I saw them they were wearing ski masks,” Bernie remembers.

In my head I knew what was coming next so I started running and they started chasing me. As I was running I screamed, “Help, help me, I'm getting robbed.” He pulled out the gun and put it in my face and I said, “What do you want?” He said, “I want everything,” he said Bernie.

He said there were five suspects who attacked him. Baltimore police were able to track down and arrest two of them: 18-year-old Montaz Bailey and an unidentified 15-year-old male. The 15-year-old suspect was taken to the Baltimore City Juvenile Justice Center “to request a review of his detention,” but was released to a guardian, according to BPD. According to BPD, the 15-year-old and Bailey have been arrested previously.

After reviewing the video and evidence, Baltimore City Attorney Ivan Bates approved filing a charge of attempted first-degree murder against Bailey.

“I think I was a main target for them. They waited for the best opportunity to attack. They get arrested and within hours they’re back on the streets,” Bernie said. “They laugh and think it’s a joke. To be honest, I can't blame them for their laughter. If I were her, I would laugh about it too. If you can commit a crime without being held accountable, there are no consequences. What’s to stop you?”

Baltimore police said a handgun was recovered from the two teenagers.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley called the incident “truly horrific” and said there needs to be more accountability for young people who break the law.

“These incidents undermine the work of the BPD and undermine the trust our communities place in us to keep them safe,” Commissioner Worley said in a statement.

Mayor Brandon Scott also issued a statement echoing Commissioner Worley's sentiments. Mayor Scott said he was frustrated by the apparent pattern of “the same young people having to be arrested over and over again” who have yet to be held accountable by other parts of the justice system. The larger system continues to fail young people, Mayor Scott said, and something needs to change.

But what will change remains the unanswered question. During the early 2024 legislative session, lawmakers spent most of the 90-day session debating juvenile justice legislation. Police, parents and prosecutors called on lawmakers to make changes to juvenile justice laws, particularly the way the state deals with the youngest offenders.

Starting November 1, lawmakers expanded the fees young people between the ages of 10 and 12 can face. If the crimes involve firearms and if the youth is accused of stealing a car for the first time, a court-ordered child care application will be filed.

However, the frustration remains. After the recent attack in the Butchers Hill neighborhood, Senate President Bill Ferguson and the other delegates in District 46 issued a statement raising questions about why the 15-year-old was placed in the care of a guardian.

“The situation is all too reminiscent of what happened last year right on Patterson Park Ave. occurred, which was part of what led the General Assembly to enact reforms to our juvenile justice system earlier this year,” the statement said.

The statement said the group of lawmakers – which, in addition to Senator Ferguson, also includes delegates Luke Clippinger, Robbyn Lewis and Mark Edelson – are in contact with Youth Services Minister Vincent Schiraldi for further information, ” “To better understand how something like this could happen again.” Lawmakers also said they had contacted Baltimore City Attorney Ivan Bates to “determine appropriate next steps.”

It's unclear what steps lawmakers will take during the next legislative session, but Bernie said he hopes they do something.

“There is no responsibility. You keep letting them go and that’s what you’re going to have,” he said. “You're really starting to think about changing some laws. And you’d better do it quickly, before it gets to your house next time.”

Originally published: