
Paola Ramos book ‘Defectors’ looks at why some Latinos support Trump

Latinos are not a monolith.

We’ve heard that time and again, particularly when it comes to decoding the “Latino vote” during an election year. And time and again, the 63 million Hispanics or Latinos living in the U.S. (36 million of which are eligible to vote) have proven that very sentiment right. In 2020, Donald Trump won a higher percentage of the Latino vote than he did in 2016, and according to a recent Pew Research Center report, that number continues to shift.

So, despite Trump’s dangerous anti-immigration rhetoric and dehumanizing border policies, why are Latinos tempted to vote against their own community? Why do Latinos feel comfortable among the far-right? What roles do tribalism, trauma and traditionalism play in all of this, and why should we listen to this growing group of voters?