
POLICE LOG: Bitcoin fraud, missing children and truck accidents

EMarblehead police log excerpts from September 9th to 23rd. In accordance with state law, police have adopted a policy of not providing the media with reports on domestic violence incidents, juveniles and matters under investigation.

September 9th

9:11 a.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo responded to Broughton Road for a report of suspicious activity. A resident reported damage to her back door and expressed concerns about missing keys and possible unauthorized entry to her apartment. Mastrangelo documented the damage and advised the resident about safety measures. The incident remains under investigation.

11:03 a.m. – Officer Andrew Clark took a report from a Gallison Avenue resident about a suspicious email he received earlier that morning. The email, which allegedly claimed to have accessed the resident's computer via malware, requested payment in Bitcoin. Clark advised the resident about cybersecurity practices and documented the incident for further investigation by the department's cybercrimes unit.

2:43 p.m. – Officers responded to Shorewood Road for a report of a lost child. Officer Douglas Mills located the child and, with the approval of supervisors, transported the child to a nearby residence where he was reunited with his caregiver. The incident was resolved without further complications.

4:02 p.m. – Officer Tyler Bates met with a resident at the police station regarding a possible scam email. The email, similar to previously reported incidents, requested payment in Bitcoin to prevent the publication of compromising information. Bates provided guidance on cybersecurity and fraud prevention. The case was referred to the department's investigative unit for further review.

4:11 p.m. – Officer Andrew DiMare responded to the lobby of the police station to take a report of suspected fraud. A local resident said he was the victim of an online scam that involved the purchase of gift cards totaling $4,100. DiMare advised the victim on mitigation steps and initiated an investigation into the incident.

6:00 p.m. – Officers responded to a two-vehicle collision at the intersection of Ocean Avenue and Atlantic Avenue. Officer Andrew DiMare interviewed witnesses and drivers and documented that a vehicle allegedly ran a red light, causing the accident. Both vehicles were towed from the scene and the incident remains under investigation for possible charges.

September 11th

11:30 a.m. – Officer Andrew Clark met with a resident at the police station about possible identity fraud and theft. The victim claimed to have made unauthorized transactions on his bank account and changes to his social media profiles. Clark advised the victim about identity protection measures and initiated an investigation into the fraudulent activity.

September 12th

9:35 a.m. – Officers responded to Tucker Street for a report of a stalled truck. Sergeant. Eric Osattin arrived on scene to assist with the complex recovery process. During the operation, a tow truck driver caused damage to private property and later lost control of the trailer on Washington Street, resulting in a collision with a parked vehicle. The incident is currently being investigated for possible safety violations and claims for damages.

2:34 p.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo responded to a report of credit card fraud at the police station. The alleged victim reported an unauthorized online purchase attempt using his credit card information. Mastrangelo provided credit monitoring leads and initiated an investigation into fraudulent activity.

September 13th

6:15 a.m. – Officer Samuel Rizos conducted a random license plate query on Mount Vernon Street and discovered a vehicle with mismatched registration information. The vehicle was towed and the license plates confiscated. The registered owner arrived on site and was informed of the discrepancies. The incident remains under investigation for possible traffic violations.

2:34 p.m. – Officer Dennis DeFelice met with a resident at the police station regarding an identity fraud report. The victim had allegedly received a notification about an attempted credit card opening in his name. DeFelice provided guidance on identity protection measures and documented the incident for further investigation.

September 14th

9:07 a.m. – Officer Douglas Mills spoke to a resident at the police station about a compromised email account. The resident reported that someone gained unauthorized access to his account and lost emails containing financial information. Mills advised on cybersecurity practices and provided information on reporting identity fraud to appropriate authorities.

4:10 p.m. – Officer Andrew DiMare responded to a report of a stolen bicycle at Marblehead High School. The victim said he left his bike unlocked at school that morning and found it missing when he returned. DiMare issued a warning about the bike and launched an investigation, including a review of possible security footage.

September 15th

7:22 p.m. – Officer Nicholas Michaud answered a telephone fraud report at the police station. The resident said he received a fraudulent text message and call claiming to be from his bank, resulting in an unauthorized transaction valued at $1,500. Michaud gave advice on bank security measures and launched an investigation into the fraudulent activities.

September 16th

8:54 a.m. – Officer Robert Picariello responded to the public works building to meet with the city tree warden regarding the unauthorized removal of a city tree. The investigation revealed that a resident allegedly ordered the removal of a sugar maple tree without proper authorization. Picariello documented the incident for possible fines and legal action.

11:51 a.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo responded to a report of credit card fraud on Birch Street. The resident claimed to have made several unauthorized transactions at a local gas station. Mastrangelo advised the victim about credit card security measures and initiated an investigation into the fraudulent allegations.

1:08 p.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo responded to the police station for a report regarding an ongoing neighbor dispute on Devereux Street. The complainant reported that he observed a neighbor violating the stay-at-home order and damaging his lawn. Mastrangelo documented the incident and advised the complainant about options for seeking a harassment prevention order.

4:30 p.m. – Sgt. Sean Brady took a report of an attempted “grandparent scam” on Kenneth Road. The resident allegedly received a call from someone claiming to be his daughter, claiming to be in legal trouble and demanding money. The victim recognized the scam and ended the conversation without providing any information. Brady documented the incident for the agency's ongoing investigation into similar scams.

September 17th

1:30 p.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo responded to a report of a stolen wallet on Dartmouth Road. The alleged victim reported the theft from his locked vehicle parked in the driveway. Mastrangelo advised the victim on credit monitoring and initiated an investigation into the theft.

September 18th

7:46 a.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo responded to a report of identity fraud at the police station. The alleged victim reported unauthorized attempts to apply for benefits and open credit cards in his name. Mastrangelo provided guidance on identity protection measures and documented the incident for further investigation.

11:00 a.m. – Officer Douglas Mills responded to police for a report of an ongoing property dispute on Pleasant Street. Mills advised the parties that the matter was of a civil nature and provided information on further action through the appropriate legal channels.

September 19th

3:15 p.m. – Officer Douglas Mills responded to a report of identity theft at the police station. The victim had received a notification that his social security number was allegedly compromised in a data breach. Mills provided guidance on identity protection measures and advised the victim on monitoring his or her financial accounts.

September 20th

10:40 a.m. – Officer Adam Mastrangelo took a telephone report of credit card fraud. The victim reported several unauthorized charges on his credit card at a local gas station. Mastrangelo advised the victim about credit card security measures and initiated an investigation into the fraudulent activity.

11:30 a.m. – Officer Dennis DeFelice met with a resident at the police station to document a possible employment scam. The reporting party had received a suspicious job offer via text message. DeFelice advised the resident on how to recognize and avoid such scams.

September 22nd

9:31 a.m. – Officer Robert Picariello responded to a report of vandalism at the public restrooms on Front Street. The investigation revealed significant damage to furnishings in the men's restroom. Picariello documented the crime scene and began an investigation into the vandalism.

September 23rd

2:25 p.m. – Officer Andrew DiMare responded to a report of damage to a chain link fence at the Jewish Community Center of the North Shore on Community Road. The damage was apparently caused with the intention of gaining access to a cordoned off area. DiMare has documented the incident and is awaiting further information on repair costs to complete the investigation.

3:16 p.m. – Officer Andrew DiMare responded to a disturbance call at a local coffee shop on Pleasant Street involving a juvenile who had previously been barred from the premises. DiMare spoke with the parties involved and advised the company on options for formal entry of people onto the property.

4:30 p.m. – Officer Andrew DiMare responded to Ocean Avenue for a report of lost property. The resident said he misplaced several credit cards and identification documents during a recent plane trip. DiMare advised the resident on steps to secure his accounts and replace lost identification.