
Drug Take Back Event – ​​The New Bedford Light

On Saturday, October 26, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will coordinate a day-long Prescription Drug Take-Back Initiative event with state and local law enforcement agencies to remove potentially dangerous controlled substances from our nation's homes.

Drop off unneeded medications for safe disposal at the New Bedford Police Headquarters on Rockdale Avenue from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

This national initiative provides the public the opportunity to turn over pharmaceutical controlled substances and other medications to law enforcement for destruction.

Expired, unused or unwanted controlled substances in our homes are a potential source of increasing drug abuse in the United States and pose an unacceptable risk to public health and safety every day.

The collected drugs are disposed of at several incinerators across New England, which convert the drug waste into clean, renewable energy for use by local communities.

Since 2010, this initiative has resulted in over 1.7 million pounds of pharmaceutical waste being collected at 26 drug take-back events in New England.