
Taremi in Champions, Inzaghi scores with Thuram and Lautaro: for reasons of choice

Inzaghi I neglected the games and for this reason, in a complicated moment, I took the risk that stood out to me the most. The idea is motivated and I made it copy many times over Thuram Lautaro via the transfer from Udine. Lo spiega La Gazzetta dello Sport, Add Puntare Sulla's choice of technique ThuLa nasce there Due Ragioni Specifiche: The most important thing is that the nature of the economy and protection is, above all, nature Toro, che finalmente haveto a settimana piena of lavoro and vuole mettere a tri minute nelle gambe for avicinarsi al top della forma; The second, however, is of a psychological nature: Inzaghi “I am convinced that no one more than Lautaro needs to play a child to block it definitively,” he said Rosea.

Taremi Part of the Panchina: Udine has found space on the way home and is probably in the Champions League control against Stella Rossa.