
Charges filed against Kendra Cordova for murder and drunk driving in September Highway 101 crash – Edhat

Re: People v. Kendra Cordova, Santa Barbara County Superior Court, Case No. 24CR07241

Santa Barbara County District Attorney John Savrnoch announced today that charges have been filed against 34-year-old Kendra Cordova.

Ms. Cordova is charged with murder in violation of Penal Code Section 187(a) for an incident on Highway 101 on September 8, 2024, in which Alma Alcorta Lazaro was killed.

It is also alleged that Ms. Cordova drove under the influence and caused serious bodily injury to Cecilio Camacho Lazaro, in violation of Vehicle Code Sections 23153(a) and (b) and Penal Code Sections 12022.7(a).

Ms. Cordova was arrested yesterday on a warrant and remains in the Santa Barbara County Jail, where her bond is denied. The California Highway Patrol is investigating the case and Assistant District Attorney Madison Whitmore is leading the prosecution team.

Ms. Cordova will be arraigned on September 30, 2024 in Department 9 of the Santa Maria Superior Court.

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