
Khalil Rountree, accused of using PEDs, comes clean in last-minute decision ahead of Alex Pereira's UFC 307 fight

Khalil Roundtree gained a lot of respect from fans by self-reporting for a PED earlier this year. Just as “War Horse” was preparing to face Jamahal Hill at UFC 303, it was revealed that the California native had accidentally ingested a banned substance. It turned out to be a mistake on the part of his supplement supplier, and the Nevada Athletic Commission's investigation also confirmed Rountree's version of events. However, the process wasn't easy for the 8th-ranked light heavyweight.

“It really took some time for the Athletic Commission to see the same thing as the UFC “[thatIhadaccidentallyingestedabannedsubstance)…Ithinkittheyfinallygotoapointwherethey'relike'Ohokayweseeexactlywhatthisis'Inthebeginningtheydidn'treallyunderstandIthinkTheythoughtthatlikeItookabansubstanceandjustself-reportedButtheydidn'tseealloftheotherdetailsthatcamewithityyouknow”[dassichversehentlicheineverboteneSubstanzeingenommenhatte)…“IchdenkedasssieendlichaneinemPunktangelangtsindandemsiesagen:„Ohokaywirsehengenauwasdasist“IchglaubeamAnfanghabensieesnichtwirklichverstandenSiedachtenichhätteeineverboteneSubstanzgenommenundmicheinfachselbstgemeldetAbersiehabennichtalleanderenDetailsgesehendiedamiteinhergingenwissenSie?“[thatIhadaccidentallyingestedabannedsubstance)…Ithinkittheyfinallygottoapointwherethey’relike‘Ohokayweseeexactlywhatthisis’Inthebeginningtheydidn’treallyunderstandIthinkTheythoughtthatlikeItookabansubstanceandjustself-reportedButtheydidn’tseealloftheotherdetailsthatcamewithityouknow”Rountree said in a recent interview.

However, the commission eventually relented and even decided to give Rountree a remarkably lenient four-month suspension and a paltry $150 fine. Now, of course, “War Horse” is ready to fight Alex Pereira for the light heavyweight title at UFC 307 on October 5th. And of course this is possible thanks to a very grateful and understanding commission.


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So I think one of the things that they mentioned in the Commission's hearing and decision was that they kind of applauded me for my self-reporting, like, “Thank you very much for coming to us with all the details are.” You did that. Well, you know, there's no way we can really give you a base sentence of nine, six or 12 months. Because we see that you really haven't done anything wrong here.' … I’m just really grateful that all of these things … worked out the way they did.” he added.


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And now Rountree is preparing for the biggest fight of his career to date. Against none other than the biggest active superstar in the UFC. A win here can make Rountree not only a UFC champion, but also a global superstar. But Rountree is unfazed by the effects of the fight and has vowed to be his destructive self.

Khalil Rountree promises an impressive bonanza against Alex Pereira

Khalil Rountree goes into the Pereira fight with one goal: knocking out the champion. In the same interview, Rountree explained that he wanted to give fans what they want – an all-out fight on the feet. Even if it could be fatal for the American challenger.


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After all, Pereira is arguably the most dangerous striker in the entire promotion. Not only does he come to the UFC as a historically great kickboxer, but he has also lifted top strikers like Israel Adesanya and Jiri Prochazka. And with all due respect to Rountree, he may be an excellent striker, but he's not Israel Adesanya.

Luckily he doesn't have to be. His strength would keep Pereira on guard and Rountree's solid defense could protect him in the pocket, where “Poatan” does his best work. Unless the American falls into one of Pereira's traps that have lured more than one fighter into the knockout, Rountree has the striking skills to make life difficult for Pereira. Especially with his southpaw stance, which the Brazilian champion is known to have problems with. What are your predictions for Pereira-Rountree?