
Morgantown business owner arrested for harboring illegal immigrants

MORGANTOWN, W.Va (WDTV) – A Morgantown construction company owner was arrested Monday for harboring illegal immigrants.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Hetzon Reyes, owner and operator of A&M Homes, is accused of hiring and harboring illegal immigrants to work for his company.

Reyes, also known as Hector, used others' Social Security numbers to create tax documents for the individuals and created fake driver's licenses and immigration forms to provide to West Virginia Department of Labor inspectors, officials said.

Reyes is charged with one count of conspiracy to harbor aliens for the purpose of obtaining commercial advantage and private financial gain, 32 counts of making false statements regarding social security numbers, one count of corruptly interfering with the proper administration of the tax code, and one count of fraud-related charges charged with visas and other documents.

He faces up to 10 years in federal prison for each of the conspiracy and fraud counts, five years for each of the false representation counts and up to three years for the corrupt interference count.

The case was investigated by the Department of Homeland Security, the Internal Revenue Service's Criminal Investigation Division and the Social Security Administration's Office of Inspector General.