
Woman arrested after fatally driving a police officer into a fence

New Taipei, Oct. 1 (CNA) A woman suspected of possessing drugs was arrested early Tuesday morning after fatally dragging a police officer who was clinging to the side of her car into a fence after he attempted to had to conduct a street check, New Taipei police said.

The suspect, surnamed Chen (陳), was arrested with two friends at her friend's apartment at 1 a.m. after she fled the scene, according to police. She said she found amphetamines, etomidate and e-cigarette cartridges in her possession.

Chen, 30, dragged Liu Tsung-hsin (劉宗鑫), 38, head of Chingshui Police Station in Tucheng District, at high speed about 500 meters near the New Taipei District Court before ramming him into fences lining a construction site .

Liu was seriously injured and pronounced dead after being taken to nearby Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, while Chen fled the scene on foot, police said.

According to police, Liu became interested in Chen's vehicle at 11 p.m. on Monday, suspected it was parked illegally, and attempted to conduct a roadside check.

During the trial, Liu discovered that the car was not properly registered and suspected Chen of possessing drugs, leading him to ask her to get out of the vehicle.

However, Chen refused to comply and tried to drive away. Liu grabbed the steering wheel to stop the car, but Chen accelerated and tried to shake him off, eventually steering the left side of the car into the fences, injuring Liu, police said.

Chen was still in police custody later Tuesday morning. It was unclear whether she was driving under the influence of drugs.

According to sources, Chen had already committed a drug offense.

(By Kao Hua-chien and Lee Hsin-Yin)

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