
An incident in which two employees were exposed at a Samsung factory cost the company a paltry fine

In May this year, two employees at Samsung's research and development complex in Gihyun, South Korea, reported swelling and red spots on their fingers that appeared to be due to excessive X-ray exposure at work.

We know that

The radiation levels were between 94 and 28 sieverts, well above the safe threshold of 0.5 sieverts. South Korea's Nuclear Safety Commission (NSSC) investigated and found that three of the eight radiation protection systems were intentionally tampered with, causing the incident. However, the authority was unable to determine when and by whom the systems were manipulated.

Despite the seriousness of the violation, the NSSC fined Samsung only 10.5 million Korean won (about $7,900) and may also require a police investigation into the misuse of safety equipment.

Source: Yonhap News