
Colin Kaepernick's new book for children: What he wants children to learn

As if he didn't already have enough on his plate as an NFL superstar and civil rights activist, Colin Kaepernick was ready for his next challenge, so he wrote a children's book with his girlfriend and mother of his child, Nessa Diab We are free, you and me.

In an email interview with First for womenThe two shared their thoughts about the meaning of the book, what they hope their daughter will gain from it and where the proceeds will go. Read on to find out more.

First for women: What motivated you to write this picture book?

Colin Kaepernick and Nessa Diab: We wanted to make sure there was a story we could tell our daughter and other children about the power within themselves and the strength of community, and show them what the world could be like if we supported and uplifted one another.

This book also builds on the work we did with our first “baby.” Know your rights camp [KYRC]where young people learn about their rights and we encourage them to own their power and celebrate who they are. That's why we felt it was so important to publish this book – to share these encouraging messages with children around the world and help them believe in themselves and their ability to make a difference.

FFW: What was the writing process like? Were there any children's authors or books that helped make it easier for you?

Scholastic Inc.

CK & ND: The writing process was meaningful for us because we focused on making important concepts such as believing in yourself, especially during difficult times, easy to understand and understand for children.

The book was inspired by the 10 points of the Know Your Rights Camp, which focuses on every individual's right to freedom, health, brilliance, security, love and more. We read so many books to our daughter that it was very meaningful for us to create something we believed in and worked on together. We are proud to share it with her and children around the world.

FFW: What do you want children to take away from this book?

CK & ND: We hope that children take away that they are powerful. We emphasized the power of community, drawing on the strength we have built with Know Your Rights Camp – from the volunteers to all the grassroots organizations we have worked with on the ground to do important community work afford. It's about showing that we are strong individually, but together we are even stronger and more powerful.

Book by Colin Kaepernick and Nessa Dibb
Scholastic Inc.

FFW: We live in such divided times. How does your book fit into this?

CK & ND: We know that many people continue to face daily issues – whether it's systemic oppression, lack of access to basic rights or the struggle to have their voice heard. Our book is a reminder to believe in yourself, no matter what challenges you face. It is also a call to inspire your community to hold on to this faith even in difficult times. We want children to know that their rights and worth are non-negotiable. It's about empowering them to help build a better and more loving community.

Colin Kaepernick and Nessa Dibbs
Colin Kaepernick and Nessa DiabKaepernick Media

FFW: What's next for you?

ND: Colin still wakes up at 4:30 a.m. and trains six days a week, ready and prepared for any opportunity that might come his way. He also works hard on his new startup, Lumiwhich aims to democratize storytelling through technology and give more people the tools to share their own stories in powerful ways. I continue to host my nationally broadcast primetime show on the legendary radio station HOT 97 in NYC and recently started my podcast, Nessa Off Air.

But beyond our individual projects, the most meaningful part of our lives is raising our daughter and watching her grow. Parenthood has only strengthened our commitment to creating a better world for the next generation. This is the basis of our work in the Know Your Rights Camp. We continue to expand our programs and empower young people to understand their rights, their power and their potential.

FFW: Is there anything else you'd like to put out?

Colin Kaepernick and Nessa Dibbs
Colin Kaepernick and Nessa DiabAmari Kenoly for Kaepernick

CK & ND: We would be happy about every visit The Know Your Rights Camp website and learn more about the great work we do. And if you feel inspired and can support our work, you can donate directly on the website. We are proud to say that all of Colin and Nessa's proceeds from our children's book will go to KYRC.