
Pfluger: Trump will fight for the Permian Basin

Congressman August Pfluger and his wife Camille greet former President Donald Trump at the Midland International Air & Space Port before a fundraising dinner in Midland on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. (Photo courtesy of August Pfluger)

U.S. Congressman August Pfluger said former President Donald J. Trump's visit to Midland-Odessa for a fundraising dinner Wednesday was a success. Pfluger said Trump will fight for every single person in the Permian Basin and the country.

Pfluger and his wife, Camille, greeted the former president on the tarmac at the Midland International Air & Space Port and then joined the convoy to the Midland Country Club for the fundraiser. Pfluger said both he and Trump were touched by the thousands of people who lined the streets with flags to show their support for Trump.

“What an honor for Camille and I to be the first to welcome him to the Permian Basin, he immediately felt at home and was excited to be here,” Pfluger said by phone following the event. “He immediately felt at home and was excited to be here and the first thing he talked about was energy dominance and he knew and talked about 'Drill Baby Drill' several times today in the most important and productive area of ​​production.”

He said the lunch crowd was good and he was proud that the fundraiser drew more people than the Houston fundraiser, also held Wednesday.

“President Trump was happy to be in Texas, Midland and Odessa and thanked them,” Pfluger said of the energy sector. “His understanding of what we're doing here is amazing … he knows how difficult it has been over the last three or four years under the Biden-Harris administration.”

Pfluger said as they drove to the private event and all the people saw, he told Trump, “People love you.” He said the former president wondered if they should have held a public event, but Pfluger said , he assured him that the people of Midland-Odessa knew he needed fundraisers to go to the places where people don't line the streets to spread his message.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a fundraising dinner in Midland on Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024. (Photo courtesy)

Pfluger said Trump touched on nearly “every topic” during the event. “He talked about the lack of border security under Harris and issues around the world,” Pfluger said. “But we saw a side of Trump that we don't normally see…he was self-deprecating and very engaging and he was just a guy you wanted to sit and talk to.”

Pfluger was particularly touched when Trump spoke about his time in office and his time in Iraq as president. “I fought in Iraq back then,” said Pfluger, a former Air Force pilot. “He talked about how he had spoken to military leaders and gotten an assessment of what it would take to defeat Isis…they told him they already knew, but Obama wouldn't listen…President Trump used that story to say “That we know what the problems are and…” We will get back to solving them.”

President Trump also explained how proud he was of his vice presidential running mate JD Vance and his performance during a debate on Tuesday night.

Trump told the group he was questioned about why he chose Vance as vice president. He said now the country knows why and it is because he is sharp, articulate and concise. Trump said he was very proud of Vance.

Pfluger said there is a large group of true pioneers in the industry who want to see the country succeed. “They dug deep and I’m proud of this area,” Pfluger said. “It strikes me when I think about the Permian Basin for 70, 80, 90 years… and every time we go through a downturn, a difficult time, an oil embargo… whatever it is, we always come back the legs.” And guess what? This also applies to President Trump. He always gets up and fights. He will fight for the Permian Basin and advocate for the entire country… I look forward to his inauguration in January.”