
Greg Gutfeld: There is an ideological seal on our media

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On Friday, a huge story broke about how our government has allowed thousands of rapists and murderers into our country. The source wasn't some right-wing think tank, a closet on social media, or worse, a few geeks on morning TV. It was ICE, our own Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Among those not incarcerated are more than 400,000 convicted criminals, including tens of thousands convicted of sexual assault and murder.

You know, you would think that a report from border officials telling us that tens of thousands of criminals have entered and are staying here would somehow make the headlines. But the media was as silent as Joe Biden watching “Jeopardy” and trying to play along. They ignored it, just like Hillary ignores having her hooves trimmed. Instead, it was reported on X and Fox. The reason is simple: The old news decided the story needed to be kept under wraps, so they pulled the plug like Andrew Cuomo on a nursing home. Tens of thousands of rapists and murderers have killed and abused Americans without you being told.

Remember that next time you feel the urge to trust the media. Trust them as much as you can. And if you're trying to get someone kicked off “The View,” get the number of a good chiropractor.

So how can a big story get broken and only appear here and there? It's like a sewer pipe after Taco Tuesday that's maxed out and about to burst. But instead of calling a plumber, the media is sealing the issue to keep it at bay. That's how the news works these days. With the exception of a few media outlets, our media ideologically prohibits the natural flow of information to the American voter and is designed to prevent anything other than the approved election results. Approved by them, of course, not by you.


And if the pressure gets too much, the sewer pipe will burst and you'll be the one who has to deal with all that crap. If America knew what happened at the border under Biden-Harris, with tens of thousands of murderers and rapists released into our country, they would never in their right mind vote for Harris or any Democrat, no matter how many staged photo ops she does at one She helped destroy the border. Harris visiting our southern border is a bit like Sherman returning to Atlanta or Alec Baldwin making a remake of Young Guns.

U.S. Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (l) visits the U.S.-Mexico border with John Modlin (r), head of the U.S. Border Patrol's Tucson Sector, in Douglas, Arizona, on September 27, 2024. (Photo by REBECCA NOBLE/AFP via Getty Images)

Therefore, the news must of course be suppressed. They don't even fact check the statistics because they don't have any. And no one feels better when they hear, hey, you know, it's actually just 10,000 violent invaders, followed by oh, and please call them foreign exchange students. Even worse, so-called sanctuary policies limit local law enforcement's cooperation with federal authorities, meaning ICE can't even arrest illegal people convicted of crimes. Some communities ignore ICE requests to hold criminals longer so the agency can't take them into custody. The result? Even worse, more violent crime in your neighborhood, around your family, around your children.

The news may shock you, but it's not your fault. They simply don't have permission to know what's really going on. And unfortunately in America these days, what you don't know can do you a lot of harm. This is now an issue where we should be able to reach that political holy grail, a bipartisan consensus, because there is no question that most, if not all, Americans are against rape and murder and therefore against the influx of thousands of rapists and murderers are our country.


Because who could be responsible for this? In addition to the manufacturers of ski masks and bleach. So we have to ask ourselves: Why is this happening? Maybe they're committing crimes that Americans don't want to commit. But why doesn't it bother the old media at all? Is it because they are protected from the violent consequences? Or are they afraid of the political consequences? It's both. Because aside from trying to rig this election, you can bet there are very few immigrant rapists wandering around the New York Times newsroom or George Clooney's Lake Como estate.


But you, like the workers with a desk near Brian Stelter's bathroom, are just collateral damage. So at the same time, the progressive left is hiding the real results of its disastrous policies from you. They make damn sure they protect themselves from these outcomes. It's just a lot easier to be a progressive from DNC headquarters.