
Surveillance leads to 4 drug arrests | Guam News

Guam police arrested four people, one of whom is believed to be the “captain” of an alleged “trap house” in Dededo.

According to a magistrate's complaint filed in Superior Court of Guam, Guam Police Department officers conducted surveillance on a Dededo residence on September 5 because they believed drugs were being sold at the makeshift dwelling, which consisted of a van and a porch. After seeing a vehicle leaving the residence, GPD officers pulled over the driver, identified as Jerson Arongaw.

“The driver of the Lexus, Jerson Arongaw, told police he purchased the 1.01 grams at the (destination) where they observed him earlier in the day. He identified the person selling him methamphetamine as a man he knows only as “Forty.” “He purchased the 1.01 gram police found in his car on September 5th from Forty for $20,” the complaint states.

Authorities said they also found a glass pipe in the vehicle.

On September 6, investigators were able to identify Forty as Gerald Baldeviso Porte using information from a separate investigation involving a vehicle stolen from Target.

“(The reporting individual) had parked his vehicle at his Uncle Forty's TL residence for just a few minutes then watched it drive away. At the time of the report, Forty was identified as Porte,” charging documents state.

On the same day, officers observing the scene stopped another vehicle that was seen leaving the residence with two occupants. The driver, identified as Irvin White, also allegedly admitted to purchasing the 2 grams of methamphetamine found in his vehicle from “a man he only knew as Forty.”

“White added that while other people in the TL sell methamphetamine, Forty is the 'main man' or 'main seller' and most people go there to buy from him. White described the TL as a “trap house” where people go with the sole purpose of smoking methamphetamine. White’s passenger, Ronald Finona, told police that he also purchased methamphetamine from the TL and that his source had been Gerald Porte for over a year,” the complaint states.

Police obtained a search warrant for the property and vehicles 20 days later to “seize, among other things, drug-related evidence,” court documents said.

Authorities executed that warrant on Thursday and located Porte at the makeshift apartment, allegedly with drugs and drug paraphernalia as well as suspected buyers.

“Porte was found in a makeshift dwelling with a prescription bottle containing several small baggies of suspected methamphetamine, a digital scale (and) a glass pipe. Porte identified the substances in the bags as methamphetamine and admitted to police that he sold the drug,” the complaint states.

Police reported that Porte “had only received a supply that morning, shortly after midnight.”

Authorities also found three other people at the residence, Daison Teiuo Ludwig, Russell Quindo Calpatura Jr. and Stacy Marie Cepeda Pocaigue, who were each allegedly in possession of methamphetamine.

According to the complaint, Ludwig was found alone in a room with a glass pipe that suspected to contain methamphetamine residue.

“Ludwig denied ownership and said that many people share the room and throw their things on the floor. “He admitted to smoking methamphetamine and acknowledged open smoking at the TL, but denied ever witnessing any drug transactions,” the complaint states.

Calpatura was allegedly discovered trying to hide behind a truck on the property.

“Five meters in front of him was a bag containing a substance that was later tested at the scene and returned a presumptive positive result for methamphetamine,” charging documents state.

Pocaigue was found in a room of the makeshift shelter with a man identified as the resident. The man has not been charged in the case.

Inside the room was a glass pipe containing suspected methamphetamine residue, which was later tested at the scene and found to be presumptive positive for methamphetamine, the complaint states. “Pocaigue admitted to owning the pipe, which the male resident confirmed. Pocaigue told police she was buying methamphetamine from Porte,” the complaint states.

Porte was charged with three counts of possession of a Schedule II controlled substance for illegal delivery, dispensing or manufacture as a first-degree felony.

Ludwig, Calpatura and Pocaigue were each charged with possession of a Schedule II controlled substance as a third-degree felony. They were booked and locked up.

Porte was held on $15,000 bail.