
In between, Arath de la Torre was converted to the finalist of “La casa de los famosos México”.

Este Domingo and over 10 weeks of competence, Arath de la Torre se convirtió en el cuarto finalista de “The house of the famous México“.

“Muchas gracias, estoy en Shock, entré sin expectativa, salí con una familia, luché todos los días, gracias a mis hijos y familia, gracias a ustedes,” he said at the beginning that the conductor of “Hoy” addressed their fans.

Wearing a white suit, the leader of the team received him at home from Susy Lu, her friend, wearing a red rose and in public, unable to win her name and praise him. “Lo logramos”, this is between the words.

Lee también The best moments of Team Mar under “La casa de los famosos México”

Previously, Jefa had dedicated it to the artist and expressed it with the greatest emotion: “I was in a family because I was happy with them and gave me the finishing touches until the end of this hard recording.”

With this in mind, Galilea Montijo expressed her admiration and recorded that she had a similar experience during the first season of Big Brother VIP.

The Torre revealed that he was brought into the game by his parents and expressed satisfaction that the public is now releasing a version renovated by him: “It is pleasant for me to enter my guests. Thank you to my friend, to my friends and to the public for getting to know me. “Entré de Abuelo, Pero Jugué Con El Heart, estoy conmovido por todo ito”.

Said that he had grown very distant from Mario's voice and his position in the first week, having turned away from his best friend and his crew for a while when he realized he had gone crazy.

“Viendo cómo fue todo mi proceso, estoy anonadado, mareado, conmovido, agradecido con Dios,” concluded.

Lee también These are the first three finalists of “La casa de los famosos México” (The House of the Famous México).